Dr. Minoo is practicing as psychotherapist, life coach, counselor, healer and a therapist.
Having a clinic at Doctors House, 6th Flr. Opp. Jaslok Hospital, Pedder Road, MUMBAI. She offers following forms of services in India as well as abroad, while travelling.Provided as Counseling/ therapy sessions of 45- 90 minutes duration for
* Low Productivity / Personal & Professional Life
* Insomnia / Interpersonal Relationship Stress
* Job Oriented Stress
* TRAUMA Manifestation- PTSD ( Post Trauma Stress Disorder)Skin Disorders like Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne/Pimples, Chronic Dandruff,
Lower back pain, Edema, Lowered Immune System/ Low BMR ( Basic Metabolic Rate), Chronic Fatigue, Tension Headaches, Migraine, PMS and other endocrine imbalances leading to above symptoms and pigmentation also.( for Women Clients only)
Pre & Post Natal Body Therapeutics with Essential OilsAlong with integrated therapies eg. – Chakra Balancing & Correction, Sound / Nada Therapy , Self Healing TrainingShe conducts training programs and Workshops at University and corporate level for Stress Management & Enhancing Productivity.
Also Conducts Personal Growth Workshop for adolescents & adults.
She can be contacted- minoo_soulstirs@yhaoo.co.uk
Dr. Ravi Ratan hails from Mumbai India, is a clinical Aroma therapist, integrating Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Emotional release and Chakra Healing.
Born in the family of doctors, teachers & healers, and brought up in a Hindu family he understood and followed spiritual practices and traditions, as a part of his upbringing. Besides he has been exposed to yoga and meditations early on in his life with various teachers and ascended masters. He has brought all this understanding as part of his integrated healing practice.
Dr. Ratan achieved his Masters in Science (Zoology) and Business Management in early eighties. He started his career in administration then moved on to start his own perfumery business in India. While blending all kind of oils and products for perfumery, he realized the healing potential of natural plant essential oils. His focused shifted to Aromatherapy and he developed his own range of Aromatherapy products in 1993. He started sharing this knowledge of plant essential oils and their therapeutic effects through his training workshops initially in India, now all over the world. His documented healing work with plant essential oils earned him- D.Sc (Medicina Alternativa) from Open International University of Alternative Medicine (recognized by WHO). Part of that healing experience had been incorporated in his authored and published – HANDBOOK OF AROMATHERAPY in 1996, a third coloured edition of that has been published in 2012.
Dr. Ravi Ratan and his wife Dr. Minoo Ratan had been in association with various spiritual teachers and masters from where they received the knowledge and understanding on Chakras and Chakra system. Leading them to develop their own range of Chakra anointments based on ancient principles of Ayurveda and Tantra. Then after followed their book,– JOURNEY THROUGH CHAKRAS. Their workshops on Chakra and Chakra healing, demystifies the existence of chakras, relevance of various attributes and process of disease. They integrated Chakra healing with Kriya Yoga, Manual Lymph Drainage and emotional release work with great success in relieving a range of physical and physiological issues.
He can be contacted at – www.aromatantra.com or aromatantra@yahoo.com